Rev Dr Daniel Roy Bloomquist (B.A, S.T.D.)
Piano Teacher & Accompanist, Theologian
612-578-8638 anytime
200 SW Armagh St
PO Box 343
Clontarf MN 56226
OM Background Noise Override/Blocker [ Israeli Military Standard ]
From this valley they say you are goin'
I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile
For they say you are takin' the reason
That has kept me from becoming vile.
Do you think of the valley you're leavin'
Oh how lonely and drear it will be
Do you think of the fond heart you're breakin'
And the sadness you've cast over me
For a long time my dear, I've been waiting
For the words that you never would say
And alas my poor heart you are breakin'
For they tell me you're goin' away
As you go to your home by the ocean
May you never forget those sweet hours
That we spent in the Red River Valley
And the love we exchanged mid the flowers
Come and sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
But remember the Red River Valley
And the one who has loved you so true.
Heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end
Heartache number one was when you left me
I never knew that I could hurt this way
And heartache number two was when you came back again
You came back but never meant to stay
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end
Heartache number three was when you called me
And said that you were comin' back to stay
With hopeful heart I waited for your knock on the door
I waited but you must have lost your way
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end.
Wrinkled krinkled senior star
You and I have both come far
From the day we both did wed
Often did hug tight in bed
Many times "I love you" said
Then to pause when we are dead.
When arisen from the ground
With our bodies fully sound
Joy eternally unbound
Youthful vigor newly found
Perfect oneness it shall be
There in bliss for all to see.
Praise the Christ who gave us life
Free from struggle, sorrow, strife,
No temptations in our way,
With our Jesus we will stay.
All that's evil gone away
Praise the Lord forever say.
On top of Old Smokey, All covered with snow;
There was an eruption, And lava did flow.
It rolled down the mountain, And burned up the trees;
The air filled with ash dust, which caused me to sneeze.
The ground was unstable, Had started to shake;
It threw me off balance, My knees they did quake.
I ran down in terror, And got in my car;
Then started the engine, And drove away far.
I zoomed past a woman, She looked young and scared;
Frightened and single, With face and hands bared.
I drove back to see if, She wanted a ride;
Came into my auto, I claimed her my bride.
She said she was hungry, We drove to a bar;
Then I and my new spouse, Got out of the car.
After we'd eaten, she wanted to rest;
We paid for motel room, Both cleaned each our best.
The room was delightful, Had only one bed;
We then did together, what's best left unsaid.
Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee
Greenest state in the land of the free
Raised in the woods so he knew ev'ry tree
killed him a b'ar when he was only three
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.
Fought single-handed through the Injun War
Read them the Bible and they asked for more
While he was handlin' this noble chore
Made him a legend for evermore
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
He give his word and then he give his hand
Promising redskins they could keep their land
Soon after that he took his stand
Justice went out for ev'ry redskin band
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
Dave went to Congress and he served a spell
Fixin' the government and laws there as well
Took over Washington and we heard tell
He patched up the crack in the Liberty Bell
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
When he came home, his politickin' done
Big western march had just begun
So he packed his gear and his trusty gun
And lit out grinning to follow the Sun
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.
His land is biggest and his land is best
From grassy plains up to mountain crest
He led us all, and did meet the test
Making his fortune right into the West
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain,
Free to all—a healing stream,
Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my ransomed soul shall have
Rest and peace forever.
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the Bright and Morning Star
Sheds its beams around me.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my ransomed soul shall have
Rest and peace forever.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day,
With its shadow o’er me.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my ransomed soul shall have
Rest and peace forever.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I see my Savior’s face,
Leave His presence never.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my ransomed soul shall have
Rest and peace forever.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
He called the great advisors to a hotel on the green
They vowed to help the people justice bring
The men then did so bravely rectify the country scene
And still they found enough fine time to sing
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
He came into the White House with a bright red MAGA cap
He never was intending for a fight
His comments he kept ready, and his twittering would snap
Accurately battled for the right
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
With Comey and his entourage they had a roguish look,
They did the deeds that others wouldn't dare,
And captured sums of money that the demoncrats had took,
Respecting noble precepts of Christ's Book.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
To cheating and corruption, he did never, ever yield
And danger was his task from day to day
The cobbler in the hamlet and the farmer in the field
Both cautiously did help him make his way
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
He rode up into Washington, was cheered by those oppressed
Those Barack Obama had duressed
Ben of Israel knighted him a holy righteous Jew
Thus he those of Jacob did renew.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, never does he bend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does subversives rend
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
1. Glory be to Jesus,
Who in bitter pains
Poured for me the life-blood
From His sacred veins!
2. Grace and life eternal
In that blood I find;
Blest be His compassion,
Infinitely kind!
3. Blest through endless ages
Be the precious stream
Which from endless torments
Does the saints redeem!
4. Abel's blood for vengeance
Pleaded to the skies;
But the blood of Jesus
For our pardon cries.
5. Oft as earth exulting
Wafts its praise on high,
Angel hosts rejoicing
Make their glad reply.
6. Lift we, then, our voices,
Swell the mighty flood,
Louder still and louder
Praise the precious blood!
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together, all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you, you'll have to go
Whisper to me, tell me do you love me true
Or would he be holding you the way I do?
Tho' love is blind, make up your mind, I've got to know
Should I hang up, or will you tell him, you'll have to go?
You can't say the words I want to hear
If you're with another man
Do you want me, answer yes or no
Darling, I will understand
When you're ready, phone me back, and let me know
So your loyal love for me can really grow
We'll join our hearts and then our hands, as man and wife
Be as one, in unity, throughout this life.
"ARMAGEDDON" (in e minor)
Soon . . .
When time is right . . .
Our Lord returns . . .
Comes back to fight . . .
If by day . . .
Or if by night . . .
Jesus will fight . . .
And make things right . . .
And those He hates . . .
He'll decimate . . .
Cut them down . . .
Right to the ground . . .
Dead in grief . . .
In disbelief . . .
No more around . . .
The saints in peace . . .
Will then increase . . .
And rule the Earth . . .
With no more dearth . . .
So soon . . .
When time is right . . .
Our Lord returns . . .
Comes back to fight . . .
If by day . . .
Or if by night . . .
Jesus will fight . . .
And make things right . . .
And make things right . . .
Your cheatin' heart
Will make you weep
You'll cry and cry
And try to sleep
But sleep won't come
The whole night through
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
When tears come down
Like falling rain
You'll toss around
And call my name
You'll walk the floor
The way I do
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
Your cheatin' heart
Will pine some day
And crave the love
You threw away
The time will come
When you'll be blue
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
When tears come down
Like falling rain
You'll toss around
And call my name
You'll walk the floor
The way I do
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
The N.T. Greek personhood word "brephos" (always meaning "babe") is used verbatim for BOTH pre-born John in a womb in Luke 1:41 AND for already-born Jesus lying in a manger in Luke 2:16.
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the Feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the Moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gathering winter fuel.
Listen page, come stand by me,
If you know it, telling
Yonder peasant, who is he?
Where and what his dwelling?
Sire, he lives a good league hence,
Underneath the mountain
Right against the forest fence
By Saint Stephen's fountain.
Bring me flesh and bring me wine
Bring me pine logs hither
You and I shall see him dine
When we bear them thither.
Page and monarch, out they went
Forth they went together
Through the cold wind's wild lament
Of the bitter weather.
Sire, the night is darker now
And the wind blows stronger
To proceed I know not how
I can go no longer.
Walk my footsteps, close my page,
Tread you in them solely
Even 'gainst the winter's rage
Makes you journey boldly.
In his master's step he trod
Where the snow lay dinted
As the two of them did plod
Which the Saint had hinted
Therefore, Christian men, be sure
Wealth or rank possessing
You who now will guide the poor
Shall yourselves find blessing.
Hark, did herald angels bring,
Glory to the Mighty King!
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconcile;
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph to the skies;
With angelic host proclaim,
"Christ was born in Bethlehem."
Then did herald angels sing,
"Praise to the awesome Glorious King!
Christ, by highest heaven adored:
Christ, the everlasting Lord;
Just in time He then did come,
Offspring of the favoured one.
Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see;
Hail, incarnate Deity:
Gracious Lord with us did dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel!
Then did herald angels sing,
"Glory to the Holy King!
Hail! the heaven-born Prince of peace!
Hail! the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brought
Restoration for us sought
Humbly laid His glory by,
Born that we may never die:
There to give us all of Earth,
Our atonement, second birth.
Then did herald angels sing,
"Glory to the Blessed King !"
Angels did proclaim on high
Brightly shining there at night
And God's chosen did reply
Praising God with great delight
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Shepherds, in your jubilee
Which your blessed eyes did see
Hearing gladsome news profound
Marveling the awesome sound
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
They in Bethlehem did see
Him who causes all to sing,
They adored on bended knee,
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Like a river glorious is God's perfect peace
Over all victorious in its bright increase
Perfect, yet it floweth fuller every day
Perfect, yet it groweth deeper all the way
Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest
Finding as He promised
Perfect peace and rest
Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand
Never foe can follow, never traitor stand
Not a surge of worry, not a shade of care
Not a blast of hurry touch the spirit there
Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest
Finding as He promised
Perfect peace and rest
Every joy or trial falleth from above
Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love
We may trust Him fully all for us to do
They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.
Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest
Finding as He promised
Perfect peace and rest
"AWAY IN A MANGER" (in D Major)
Away in a manger
No crib for His bed
The newborn Lord Jesus
Did rest His sweet head
The Star in the sky
Did show where He stayed
The holy Lord Jesus
In blessedness laid.
As Herod was plotting
Our Savior to kill
The LORD's guarding angels
God's will did fulfill
I love you, Lord Jesus
Look down from above
Protect me forever
In your gracious love.
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask you to stay
Close by me forever
And save me, I pray
Bless all righteous children
In your tender care
And take us to Heaven
To live with you there.
- http://concubud.20fr.com
Oh my darling dear beloved
We were courting just in time
At the peak of youthful passion
Did then marry while in prime
Near the biffy by the old creek
Up so close and face to face
As your hand with mine did then seek
Both our heart did quicken pace.
Eagerness with eyes that did shine
Got your fingers twined in mine
Gently hugging, did we both pine
I with you, with yours so fine.
Most ecstatic, in our cabin
Wonderment, with joy sublime
You received for progenation
What I had, while you were mine.
Promptly you conceived a child
In approval I did chime
You then birthed a babe so precious
Motherhood, and your first time.
I've been working on the railroad
All throughout the day
I've been working on the railroad
Just to get my take home pay
Soon to hear that whistle blowing
Train's running early in the morn
While the wind is gently blowing
And the day is newly born.
Fellas don't you know
I sure had to go
Expediting urgent stri-i-ide
Soon I had relief
It was very brief
All before I then did ride.
Home I went to be with my dear bride
At the door her beauty I then did meet
Then I went within to her alongside
Oh she looked so nice and sweet.
Darling don't you know
I sure want to show
How to love you best I can-an-an
Let affection flow
Cause our love to grow
Show me how you love your man.
With unfettered hugs and kind care.
Tell me what you'd like to do-oo-oo-oo
As you're with me now and being so fair
Promise that you'll love me true.
No sex for sale or rent; love is from my Jesus sent,
No nasty sexist twit, just a gal with savvy wit
Three hours with me her guy
Eager she, and always never shy
As spouses we're now both on, honeymoon road.
Chaste hugging, handling right
As we love with all our might
Deftly do sexy moves, like a phonographic's tracking grooves
She with her hands in mine, dances graceful, so sublime
We then continue on that, honeymoon road.
I do all her delight
She does me in ways just right
Waltzing, romantic sight
Keeps on throughout the night
No sex for sale or rent; love is from my Jesus sent,
No nasty sexist twit, just a spouse with savvy wit
Three hours with me her groom
All alone with me in private room
In ecstasy we're both on, honeymoon road.
You are my lovemate, my precious love mate,
With you I'm happy, and oh so fine
When we're together, in coldest weather
We both feel really fine.
In pullup sweater you feel better
In warming socks feet propped near bed
My love for you grows, and really, who knows
How affection will be led?
In growing fervor our hearts do quicken
As we do dance while close as one
Increasing fondness, no chance for shivers
Ecstasy, exotic fun
You are my lovemate, my blessed lovemate,
As I puruse you in your prime,
When we're together, it's blessed lovefate
We are here, and right, on time.
I came from Minnesnowta
With a guitar on my knee,
Arrived in warmer southern town
My true love for to see,
It snowed all night the day I left,
My clothing it weren't dry,
I knocked upon her dwelling door
She opened, and did sigh.
Oh! my sweetheart, have you dry clothes for me
Direct me to your bathroom dear
Your biffy there to see.
When I came out I saw you stare
As I was standing there
Kicked off my boots on floor with care
Clean carpet did look fair
I then explored throughout your space
Was cautious things to press
All was so neatly in its place
I did not see a mess.
Oh! my dear one, I'm glad you're here for me
Take me into your kitchen now
What food there is to see.
I found the bread, with jelly spread,
continued more to see
And more cuisine, while in the mood
I placed some on my knee.
With knife in hand, and eager fork, I sure was having fun,
But holding back, I paused to pray,
And did thank God's own Son.
Oh! my gorgeous, all this provided free
Let me reward with gratitude
Affectionate I'll be.
You then sat down to dine with me
Intentions firmly set
And with my mouth in playful nips
The food in me did get
I sipped the milk so fresh and pure
And handled cup with care
I drank it all, and liquid went
inside me deep down there.
Oh! my honey, you are so right for me
You are a wondrous blessed sight
Give me all you can be.
Her hand grasped mine and for my sake
She then did gently quake.
With quick'ning breaths she then did make
Herself for my own sake.
Together both, we rested there, and paused for quite a stay
And after that, reclining, to her I did softly say:
Oh! beloved, I'm glad you came for me
While in conjugation, we formed one
Conceptual entity.
Oh, give me a home to make love all alone
With my wonderful spouse gladly play
We both won't bemoan, to then silence the phone
Together we'll spend the whole day
Home, home, kind words said
While the kiddies are sleeping in bed
We love with our might, a most beautiful sight
With fruits of the vine we are fed.
How often at night when the Moon is not bright
The stars above dazzle our sight
As the cows nearby graze, we at stellar show gaze
Admire Christ's marvelous might.
Home, home, kind words said
While the kiddies are sleeping in bed
We love with our might, a most beautiful sight
With fruits of the vine we are fed.
Christmas Songs Score/Notation Snippets
Notational Score of Chopin's Piano Concerto in e minor
Notational Score of Stravinsky's Petruskka
CRULES (Control Rules)
No Choice: Dangers of "Original Sin" Theology
Why Believe the Bible?
Body Show
Stephen Paulus - Pilgrims' Hymn (with score)
The Road Home - Stephen Paulus
Water Night (choral singing)
I Believe in the Sun (choral Singing)
Guitar Chords Fingering Chart
Charted Guitar Hymns
Cateresy: Atonement by Ingesting Eucharist?
NO "Purgatory"
NO woman should orate in a pulpit nor at a lecturn
near the altar in any Christian church, Islamic mosque, or Jewish synagogue
within a congregation containing men, per First Corinthians 14:33-38 and First Timothy 2:11-14.
Love Hate
Credibility of Common Sense Science
Oöphoi - Unbearable Sadness of Memories
Navy Hymn
The Glory of the Cross
Common Sense Science Hotlinks
Also, NO child 12 and under (noisy or not) should be allowed entrance into any religious-worship sanctuary
per Job 6:24 & 13:5, Psalm 62:1, Proverbs 22:15, Ecclesiastes 3:7, Isaiah 3:12 & 47:5, Habakkuk 2:20,
Zephaniah 1:7 and Zechariah 2:13
Although genuine "ladies" should wear socks with shoes when in general
mixed-gender public view . . .
. . . the natural spouse with non-painted fingernails and no toenail polish is
at her sexually-attractive, most-erotically-appealing, desirable best!
Which to Wear: hijab, niqab, chador, or burka?
Three Heresies Refuted
Law to Save?
Roy Moore and the Election of December 2017
Law to Yet Obey, or Faith Only not Fruits-of-the-Spirit Good Works for Salvation?
Dress to Play
Rap pseudo-"music" (especially the loud-boom-boom-bass type imposed from vehicles)
is obnoxious NiggarNoise . . . and should be outlawed as noise-ordinance-violating public nuisance!
Four+ Hymns Scores with Lettered Guitar-Chords Markings
Trust God?
The Big Three:
Mate Prep
Mate Exam
Mate Cert
Print, re-copy, distribute, and utilize this as an Annual Mate-a-Thon Application and Questionnaire!
Black Augustana Hymnal Hymns
Music Notation Scores #1
Music Notation Scores #2
Bach Notation Scores
Augustana-Hymnal Hymns
The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee
Swedish Songs
Alleluia (Randall Thompson)
German Chorales
Sacred Choral Classical and Other Choral Music (hotlinks to YouTube selections)